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At 28, it would not have been unusual over the years to find me on a Thursday evening, at home, face mask on, fake tan developing or a fresh coat of nail polish in progress - the prep that goes into a night out before the curling wand and make-up come into play. From hydrating, de-stressing and getting a good night's sleep to exfoliating, tanning and nails to a total head to toe pamper, I've found there's always some level of pre-prep that goes into a weekend's engagements, whether a night out with the girls or a special occasion. It was this pre-weekend ritual that sparked the idea for Thursday at Eight - a go to place for all your beauty prep needs when you're getting ready to get ready.

Thursday at Eight is about self care, confidence, and the little things you can do that make you feel great in your skin. Whilst we strongly believe that everyone is perfect as they are, we also know that sometimes a little boost of self confidence can go a long way, whether it's a skin care routine that leaves you feeling fresh and flawless, having your favourite colour on your fingers or that sun kissed glow that goes perfectly with your new dress.
Now stop reading about us and get ready to get ready.


Anna x